To be fair Pat I couldn't attribute all my difficulties to Prem Rawat and Nollidge..but that whole circus certainly didn't help me to blossom as a whole, psychologically strong person . I haven't yet written my journey but I can assure you that the seeds of distress were sown for me long before I met a premie. The point is PR and Nollidge does appear to offer a solution , especially to the young ,and psychologically damaged and vulnerable, so of course there was a high proportion of this type of person among premies.( " the weary and the weak" !)
Not only does PR and Nollidge appear to offer a solution, it prevents a person seeking much needed professional help and assistance ( I didn't tell my psychotherapist that I belonged to a cult as it felt like a betrayal..when I eventually did tell him, I fled because at that time I was so messed up that I was afraid to have that last rug pulled out from under my feet.)
I learnt many things during my association with premies and premiedom and PR and Nollidge that was positive and good...but it was all jumbled up with so much ridiculous garbage that somehow the whole lot had a tendency to get tainted !
I also remember that many psychologically disturbed premies could be easily identified by their strange appearance and behaviour ( " bongos" ).
I definitely did not fall into that category..( they were probably healthier as they weren't pretending to be anything but crazy). I was ( to all outward appearance ) the most bona-fide "normal" premie....and I think there were more like me than we shall ever know due to the secrecy and stigma surrounding mental illness.
Thanks for asking about this, Pat. Warmest thoughts to you.