I don't know if M smokes or drinks
Re: hello dk -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
king2 ®

09/19/2004, 04:16:56
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but the vibe or vibration I am getting from him is very bad at the moment

From my side I would l say that he smokes and drinks even if he diden' t

This megalomaniac has got to be stopped

Still to be fare If you look at his pictures, if any of them are up to date he doesn't look ripped

From my experience at the present though I would believe anything is true about him

Why does M not retire with all his wealth.

Well he is quite normal as he fits in to the category of a normal greedy capatalist

Most people in the world who have money do not retire when they have made their pile

But then that is another question to be discussed elsewhere 

God Bless 



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