I'd like to thank POV for daring to post here and being rhinocerous skinned enough to take some of the blunt replies and yet keep coming back for more !
I find that the responses he gets are very helpful to ME and help me to see through the years of double-speak ( not quite saying one thing and not quite meaning another) and muddle-up-your-mind games ( saying one thing then saying the opposite, then changing everything and then expecting us to pretend we've all got amnesia and don't remember the past etc etc)
Frankly, I prefer Happy Clappiness, ( to some of the goings on EPO) but it isn't going to work if it's used like a drug to keep you blinkered and deaf .
I only started posting here recently and sometimes it's still all very painful to face up to the real truth.
As regards Jesus stories, the second last time I went to a program ( Nottingham ) I remember walking through the "selling souvenirs and trinket area " and thinking how horrible most of the stuff was and how there didn't seem to be any pretence ( any more )that this was any other than a cheap, tacky business operation with poorly trained ( unpaid?) staff.( So at least that's one area of Prem Rawats empire that is revealing itself more honestly). I stared around and the" Jesus getting angry at the market in the temple story " came into my head. It was sad because I really didn't want to feel like that.
While I'm talking about Jesus stories , there's also that one when Jesus spent the 40 days in the wilderness and Satan tempts him and offers him land and worldly wealth etc etc .Maybe Rawat accepted that offer?