there is a circular logic at work here. Again, the point is not whether smoking or drinking precludes him from teaching K, it hasn't, and people like yourself continue to find him effective and inspiring in this role. The point is that for most reasonable people his offstage behavior which includes drunken, abusive behavior and unethical, hypocritical actions strongly suggests an individual who is not a master of peace.We have all bought into the carefully stage-managed master, have experienced the group belief phenomena, and even some here continue to enjoy "meditating", but have rejected Rawat as a guide. While there are certainly a variety of reasons why Rawat has been rejected as a mentor, a common theme is that the numbers do not add up. His avarice, anger, lust, selfishness, excessive alcohol intake not to mention the extravagant materialisim, abusive personality, cavalier attitude, refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and decisions, all coalesce into a rather unsavoury curry. And we are not even mentioning the revisionism, denial and attacks against those that dare to criticize him.
I suspect that for some premies like yourself posting here is a bit of a sport, but really. Many, many, people have been harmed by their involvement with Rawat. The numbers of people who bother to show up at programs in the west make it abundantly clear that only a tiny fraction of people who received knowledge are still involved - this after 30 years. Rawat continues to roll out "new and improved" propogation campaigns and the old-diehards keep believing.
For some like yourself I presume, you are enjoying your "inner experience". Rawat continues to inspire you and you're grateful to him, perhaps even feeling that whatever good you are feeling is by his grace. Seriously, I don't have a problem with that - I've been there. People are free to believe what they will in this life, just don't trot that fairy tale around here. Hey, if you're happy and you know it clap it your hands!