Dear POV,
I have no problem if Prem Rawat is drinking, smoking etc. I drink and smoke but I don't hide it, and moreover I don't present myself as a good paradigm. "Majaraji you are my.. all". Some premies like to paraller Maharaji with Jesus: people told of Jesus that he did not fast etc. etc. Well, yes BUT he did this in public and he wanted to create a scandal about it in order to show people that this is not SO important "as it is more important what gets out of your mouth not what gets in". Why there is no picture of Maharaji smoking? Wouldm't it better to show to the others that he smokes drinks etc. in order to fight the guilts a premie might have when smoking or drinking? And finally what is currently Prem Rawat for you? Is he a God, a Guru (even above God), or just a preacher? Ok, what he says is good not what he does... But in this case he is just a preacher! And why should I trust a preacher? Why should a preacher be "my all?". I'd prefer a humble preacher to say "listen, I am the last of all but what I say I think is good and I try to reach it with you" as it is very often in christian or mouslim or other traditions. Here you try to say he is just like us, but well something more but who cares and ehmmm well etc. etc.. Private life?! What means private life for someone who wants from us to accept him "as our ALL!!!".
Truth or lies POV? It is so simple... nobody will forbid him to smoke...
Best regards,