The Unlit Match argument
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

01/09/2005, 01:51:50
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I find that sometimes when having a discussion with premies about Maharaji and why I left and all the reasons (Jagdeo, Monica, the drinking, the pot smoking, the money, his nasty personality, etc.) the premie will respond with the “unlit match” argument that I or we never understood what it was all about from the very beginning.  Well, I stuck around for about 25 years and I sure thought that I “got it”.


But, what I’m more interesting in exploring is the expansion of the “unlit match” argument.  Basically, will current old time hardcore premies now have to scrutinize each and every premie friend they have as a potential “unlit match” if and when that premie becomes an ex-premie.  I suspect that such surprises must be very upsetting.  I mean, what does it feel like when your best premie friend with whom you shared so much satsang and knowing winks and exchanges becomes an ex-premie?  Surely, it can't feel good and one way of heading off the disappointment is to write every one off early on.  And thus, you've got a lot of mistrust in the system.  You know and certainly you must remember - the JUDGING.  Bongos and all the rest.  What an ugly world it is that Maharaji and his premies have in mind for everyone.


I have a premie friend who I have not talked to at all since I exited and became an ex-premie for fear that she couldn’t handle it.  She was always a bit on the edge even though she had once been very plugged in and plugged in at the highest of high doing service at the Rez.


With the possibility of premies becoming ex-premies is it possible that there exists a certain degree of apprehension and mistrust in the premie community?  And one wonders whether a premie community even exists anymore.  Certainly, I’ve heard Maharaji dismiss friendship as nothing more than a distraction from the true focus (Him and his pocketbook.)  While I may not know what’s happening anymore since I left in 1998, but I think the emphasis is on videos and Dish TV Pay TV.  Back in the mid to late 90’s there was a big push for nice community halls where videos could be shown.  But, I think that’s been dismantled for the most part.  And, it was very expensive – I do know that.  Our community was hard-pressed to come up with the monthly nut on the hall rental and the video subscription and everything else.  With Dish TV you can stay at home and watch Maharaji blab on without ever meeting anyone in the community.


Does anyone know what it’s like in the Weird Whirled of Knowledge these days?

Modified by Babaluji at Sun, Jan 09, 2005, 01:57:00

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