Re: The Unlit Match argument
Re: Re: The Unlit Match argument -- Premie response Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/11/2005, 07:26:02
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Because knowing a pedophile isn’t a slur on your character (I knew him as well).

There's a huge difference between knowing Jagdeo as you and others did, and having total control over him because he was a Mahatma.  Maharaji was his boss and was responsible for him because M was the head of DLM. 

As for the “unlit match” analogy. Most posters seem to have missed the point. Maharaji was simply stating the obvious, in any endeavour, not matter how worthy, there must always be people who don’t get it. And even more obvious, in any endeavour, no matter how worthy, there will always be people who give up. How else can you explain the huge numbers of people who would like to give up (put your own vice in here) but can never quite get it together. Or who do (put your own virtue here) and then stop.

So, now I've missed the point.  What part of Maharaji's agya didn't I understand?  I faithfully practiced satsang (went every night), did service (hardly ever had a gap and was assigned service by the community coordinator from the time  was an aspirant) and I usually meditated more than Maharaji prescribed.  I never broke the ashram rules.  Not once. 

I worshipped Maharaji, did everything in my power to surrender to him, I kissed his feet, went to see him before I got K and certainly after.  I gave up my life for him and I moved into the ashram as he asked of all available premies at the time. 

What did I miss?

Am I concerned that you have stopped practicing Knowledge and now hate Maharaji?

I don't hate Maharaji.  Premies and Maharaji's Elan Vital website say that I hate him, but I don't.





Modified by Cynthia at Tue, Jan 11, 2005, 08:14:11

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