Reply to Jim and to John
Posted by:
Monica ®

02/01/2005, 00:32:27
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The future you will have for yourself is old-age and death, war and disease, global warming and economic upheaval, and the odd tsunami. And if you're lucky those you love won't disappoint you too much. You don't have much control over all that.

Is Maharaji going to take you across to the other side?  Past the curtain of death, over the wheel of karma and into eternity? 

Or are you afraid to say?

I am a premie from South America, visiting a friend in the US and using his computer.  I speak English somewhat fluently, because I studied college here BTW.

I believe Jonx was replying to YOUR question about the future, Jim.  Maharaji is not preparing people for death, over the wheel of karma and into eternity - the other side (?)  Religions are doing this, and there are plenty of them around.

John, you said that ex-premies do not offer people anything except the possibility of not looking for hope in other people.  Well, we don't live alone in this planet and we can CHOOSE to listen to someone who has a very unique ability to convey a message of hope, peace, alertness to this life, to those who wish to have this noble inspiration in their lives to find them within again and again and again, as often and deep as they wish, so they become more and more a reality and not remain as "wishful thinking".  Of course, it depends on the student, like for example not every student of art will become an accomplished artist, but everyone does have the opportunity to find within as much - and as often - love, peace, joy, kindness, wisdom, that the heart desires to feel.  It has gotten better and better for me over the last 27 years, so the more the merrier for me.

Thank you for allowing me to post here  


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