Why is it premies always talk about the "allegations" without any apparent interest, ability or intention to investigate them? You say your father was the victim of a smear campaign, with people intentionally distorting the facts about him. But your saying that means one of two things: either you know the facts yourself or you simply believe what you want to believe. So which is it? Were his enemies saying things about your father that you knew to be untrue or did you just believe that to be the case?
I didn't say that my father is perfect, but one of the best people me and many others have known. There's a big difference, Jim. We all make mistakes, and we all have personality traits that don't suit some people. My father included. But what didn't work was that a handful of people took one particular incident and attempted to smear his entire character and foul his lifetime journalistic work. OK by them, they were free to do that of course, but it didn't work. Why? Because most people chose to look at what was good in him (much more than the bad) and also liked his fabulous work.
With respect to Rawat, what do you know? Do you know for a fact that he's not a chronic alcoholic? That it's not the case that he regularly starts drinking in the early evening and often gets so drunk he has to be carried off to bed? See, there's a nasty allegation about him. Are you really in any position to comment?
Or how about killing the bicyclist and letting some lowly premie take the rap?
Or the real history and status of his affair(s) with Monica Lewis and other premies.
And the list goes on.
Do you know what really happened between him and his family?
Do you know how he really became the guru after his father died?
There's such an irony in the fact that Rawat used to challenge the world to investigate him but, in reality, that's the very, very, very last thing any premie can do. So you're left accepting whatever he tells you. That's a terrible position for an adult to be in.
Also, please comment on my post above where I give you proof of Rawat recently advising people about how to prepare for death.
After having taken a closer look at this forum, Jim, it has become very clear to me that even though I can see your points about certain incidents of Maharaji's life and how they have upset you to the point of becoming ex-premies, you will never ever agree with my view points because the fact is that they're basically similar to other premie responses I've read on this forum, so want to spare all of you but mainly myself the lengthy discussion leading nowhere in common one more time.
But since you've insisted on the issue of death: Yes, I've heard Maharaji express in context something about the moment of death (I think about it on occasion myself) but only a handful of times. However, this is not the gist of his message and I happen to go for the gist: You can know the "life force" or "creative energy" or "God" or "Maker" (or however you choose to call this) while alive. You can feel all the love and all the peace and all the joy that you wish to feel while alive