I dunno... 'cause I'm bored?
Re: Jonx, if you are so pissed off, why do you read my posts? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

02/03/2005, 16:51:26
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I'm sorry Joe but with every word, you support the view I expressed earlier: Perennial victim. Tell me please. How is it that some people have benefited and some, as you say, have been "damaged"? What is the differntiator? Ever wonder?

Of course you have, and you came up with a nice, convenient answer: they are living a lie/ uninformed/brainwashed/stupid. Come on Joe, you know this is how you think. And now you are on a mission. And your mission is to: confront the lie/inform/deprogram/teach.

The thing you can't bring yourself to accept is that people practicing Knowledge and appreciating Maharaji's help in their life may be very rational, intelligent, kind, honest, and down to earth people. Even if you could come to a point where you could entertain this possibility, you could never be open to the possibility that Knowledge actually does what it has been advertised to do. That is, opens the door to know yourself, beyond doubt. 

From my perspective the messianic arrogance that comes through the posts of you and other ex-premies is both infuriating and laughable (depends on whether I've had a pissy day or not). That is why you are a pompous arse Joe; not because I dislike you or think you are a bad person. Just because you are such a fool. 

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