You said, "I connect to the energy building me and everything in this universe..."
That is a very bold statement and I wish to know a few things, since you are so intimately familiar with the substance of that energy:
Is it that which physicists call "dark energy?" If so, why is it so weak? What is the exact link between this and the accelerating expansion of the universe? Why? What is the "first" or primary particle produced by this "creative energy?" What, exactly, is dark matter? What is it's nature? How does this energy relate to quantum theory, precisely? How about quarks? Nuclear forces, both weak and strong? Heck, how about rounding out our knowledge with the exact mechanism of electromagnetic and gravitational forces, as they relate to this energy-that-you-know-so-well?
Those questions will do for now. Since you KNOW that this energy is "building" you and the universe, they should be extremely easy to answer. Remember, I'm looking for precision here, not some generic "I just know" response. Anyone can "say' that they know the moon is made out of green cheese, when in fact it's american cheese!
C'mon, be honest...... do you even know what a quark is, exactly? No.... I didn't think so. Yet, you know this energy is building you and the universe.... yeah, right!