I didn't say that my father is perfect, but one of the best people me and many others have known. There's a big difference, Jim. We all make mistakes, and we all have personality traits that don't suit some people. My father included. But what didn't work was that a handful of people took one particular incident and attempted to smear his entire character and foul his lifetime journalistic work. OK by them, they were free to do that of course, but it didn't work. Why? Because most people chose to look at what was good in him (much more than the bad) and also liked his fabulous work.
Why are you talking about whether or not your father's perfect? I didn't say anything at all about that. Reread my post, please. I was just making the point that if you're saying that he was falsely accused it's because you either know or believe that to be true (assuming you're sincere, of course). I was just trying to get you to say which, both with respect to your father and Rawat.
OK: The incident did happen but not the way described by those few people; there were other several people who witnessed the incident and spoke up to give their version of what happened, which was more credible to his friends, co-workers and readers. My father didn't really want to get into fighting this smear campaign because he was very busy with his journalistic work at the time, so it remained only a thorn on his side. The smear campaign didn't work, and I can safely predict that yours won't work either 
But since you've insisted on the issue of death: Yes, I've heard Maharaji express in context something about the moment of death (I think about it on occasion myself) but only a handful of times. However, this is not the gist of his message and I happen to go for the gist: You can know the "life force" or "creative energy" or "God" or "Maker" (or however you choose to call this) while alive. You can feel all the love and all the peace and all the joy that you wish to feel while alive 
Let's not be any vaguer than we need to be, shall we? Rawat said that it's not necessary to leave this world empty-handed. What does that mean to you?
Religions say that empty-handed you come and empty-handed you leave. True, when you take "empty-handed" in respect to physical things. False, when you take it in respect to everything you wish to feel and to realize about this existence, which can fill you up completely. And Maharaji puts the emphasis on this last one. Jim, what does it mean to you? |