I trust that you are aware of the irony of posting under that name on this forum.
>to those who wish to have this noble inspiration in their lives<
What does that mean - what is the diffenrence between a 'noble' inspiration and any other inspiration ? Your use of epithets simply serves to obscure meaning - it is merely a semantic device to make something that is ordinary appear execeptional.
>Of course, it depends on the student, like for example not every student of art will become an accomplished artist<
And in any reputable teaching environment - the failure of the student will reflect upon the teacher - yet Rawat never acknowledges that his 'unlit matches' may be the result of his failures as a teacher. Your student/teacher annalogy can't hold up so long as Rawat divorces himself from the outcomes of his teaching that he doesn't like.
>but everyone does have the opportunity to find within as much - and as often - love, peace, joy, kindness, wisdom, that the heart desires to feel.<
Why are you censoring all the other feelings that make humans what we are - where is anger, despair, anxiety ? Does the 'heart' not desire to feel those things ? Is Rawatism so weak, so devoid of humanity that it is incapable of dealing with all those 'inconvenient' feelings' and must consign premies to a world consisting of no more than a holier than thou anaesthetic reverie ?