Prem Rawat is dishonest and that matters to many people.
Re: Re: I'm sorry, Monica, but... -- Elisa Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/01/2005, 14:22:03
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Prem Rawat has caused a lot of damage to many people who tell their stories first hand.  The idea that these are just some kind of allegations is absurd, and not at all analagous to taking some incident and blowing it up out of proportion.  If anything, the allegations against Prem Rawat claiming to be God and demanding total dedication and surrender for many years is understated on EPO, because it damaged a lot of people, greatly.

Even this wouldn't be so bad if Prem Rawat actually had any integrity and admitted that it happened and actually took responsiblity for it.  He hasn't.  This is a problem because if reflects on who Prem Rawat is, and for most people I think it would be very relevent information to most people who are being propagated to, especially when what Prem Rawat offers is available other places, from other teachers, who don't carry the negative baggage Prem Rawat does.

It's nice that you are having a nice time being a premie.  Good for you.  Other people don't have such a nice time being premies, and who don't experience it the way you do.  Unfortunately, for Prem Rawat, these people are to be hated, made fun of, described as "unlit matches" and anybody who criticizes him has no forum whatsoever within his cult -- they just have to accept it or get out.  This is not only unhealthy, it isn't what a caring and competent teacher would do.

It really offends my sense of values and justice when I hear premies say they are having a nice time as premies (if indeed they really are), and hence nothing else matters.  This is an immoral position and I can say personally, having to retain it in order to hold my "experience" together would make me very unhappy, as it did.

Clearly, if you have decided to simply discount what others have seen and experienced with Prem Rawat and put on blinders to those "allegations" as you call them, well EPO won't have much effect on you, and really isn't designed for you. 

Rather, it is designed for the many followers of Prem Rawat who aren't having the good time you are, and who stay premies because of the threats Rawat laid on them about the dire consequences of leaving, and because doubt and questioning is not allowed in the Rawat world.

It also exists for people who are hearing about Prem Rawat for the first time, to get both sides of the story, because Prem Rawat is very dishonest about his past, lies about it in fact, and there are those of us who were there to set the historical record straight.  This is a value I strongly stand behind, and I think most ordinary people do.  They don't want censorship, or white wash, or platitudes, they want the whole story, and then they can make up their own minds.

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