Re: So who's the greater fool?
Re: So who's the greater fool? -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

02/04/2005, 16:40:18
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Given the weight of evidence accumulated against M--including that which is common knowledge--there is no way one could be "rational, intelligent, kind, honest, and down to earth" and still follow him.

Well I'm here to prove you wrong mate. 

One can only follow him by maintaining massive self-delusion and/ or utter amorality

Neville, please... are you saying you are morally better than me? Hmmm... I see a pattern here.

Go ahead, call me a fool.

'Kay. You're a fool.

Modified by jonx at Fri, Feb 04, 2005, 16:42:25

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