What fantasy have YOU chosen?
Re: fantasy land -- billy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

02/06/2005, 17:19:52
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Recently, and more than once, I have criticised exs on this Forum for being too hard on premies like yourself . I have asked them to be 'balanced' and 'fair' when criticising Maharaji. However, what I see now reading your post to Neville is that the exs are right. However, what I see now reading your post to Neville is that the exs are right. You are not 'fair' or 'balanced'. 

Fair? I have invested decades into Knowledge, so there is a chance I am not. On the other side are you guys. How fair and balanced are you? Look, I know the ex-premie perspective so well. Why? Because I have chewed on all the same doubts as you all have. Doubt has the power to completely realign your perspective in totally the opposite direction.

You ex-premies are an insidious lot. You have worked out your story over the years, which basically is a fleshed out bog standard set of doubts. You offer your arguments supported by a mix of  heresay, theory, and fact. And you try at every opportunity to rub premies' noses in the doubt pit you are all wallowing in. "Disregard the years of love, depth, and personal growth you have had", you say to premies, "it wasn't real". "Give up the hope that the world could have peace... it was all just youthful naivity." "Stop focusing any attention inward... reality is what happens in the newspapers." And all you have to replace it with are empty platitudes and a virtual esprit du corps on the internet.

For most ex-premies their definition of fairness and balance is driven by self-righteousness and moralistic value judgement. In my view when it comes to matters of the heart, fairness and balance are of little use. Winge all you want, but I'm happy the chord struck by Maharaji so many years ago still resonates, and the hope for peace still drives and inspires me. If you guys want to wallow in your indignation about everything Maharaji has not done to meet your expectations, that's a choice you make. On the other hand, in spite of your doubts about him, peace and the hope it brings is still happening. If you really want balance, that must be taken into account.

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