When you have a hot topic like Rawat is for premies and exes, there's only one way to proceed if you're really trying to understand the subject well: you have to look at the evidence closely and thoroughly. Unfortuntely, you guys won't do that. EV won't do that. Rawat won't do that. For example, when that woman in England last year tried to discuss her waylaid education and whose fault that was, Rawat dismissed her effort with derision. It's no wonder you followers can't do much better when your role model acts so poorly.
And really you're so ridiculously hypocritical about all this stuff too. It's quite hilarious. I mean here you are complaining about the "mix of heresay [sic], theory, and fact" we rely on without ever showing any inclination to sort out the various bits of evidence and see what's what. Randy Prouty is still an active premie, apparently. Why hasn't someone gone to him and interviewed him for the record about what he says did or didn't happen regarding the cyclist Rawat allegedly killed and covered up? Because, truth is, you guys are afraid to really know. So ridiculous, then, for you to complain about the deficiencies in our "case".
You admit you're not fair, Jonx, but can't you at least see some truth in this?