Re: What fantasy have YOU chosen?
Re: Re: What fantasy have YOU chosen? -- billy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

02/07/2005, 14:56:58
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And you try at every opportunity to rub premies' noses in the doubt pit you are all wallowing in.

Yes, you can either see it as a 'doubt pit' or a 'mirror'.

No, this forum is not a mirror. You flatter yourself billy. Truth is the only viable 'mirror'. And Truth is rarely found here.

No billy, what goes on here is a support group for doubt. You know what a support group is? It's when people choose to come together with the express purpose of using each other to compensate for each other's lack of personal strength.

So what is it that needs strength and support on forum 8?

Ex-premie's doubt.

Modified by jonx at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 14:58:31

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