I am sure it is true you have ex premie friends and you just dont talk about it. It really is the only way you could stay friends. But I think if you were to ask them what they feel about your continued involvement, they would say it is your business. If you pressed further and said, but how do you really FEEL about it- they might tell you that they can't understand how you can stay. They might say a lot.
Of course, you might say a lot to them if they asked how you really felt.
I think most premies would never come to post here. I don't think we have a crosssection of premies. We have some who have issues and have found a place to act like internet trolls and feel self righteous about it.
Those of us who have posted for a long time and are still here have all sorts of reasons. I think for many of us the subject is inherently interesting and unique. We have a group of friends here we like to keep in touch with. I have felt from time to time that I have done the world a little bit of good by posting my story here or talking to people who are struggling with emotions after they leave. We have a unique experience and there is a support group here. I personally only join in the premie debates when I have some sense the poster is not just a troll or if issues come up I feel I need to speak to.
I may not feel I am superior to an individual premie but I do feel that anyone who is still involved in it is either screwed up or just plain deluded. That Rawat of Malibu is some sort of great teacher is just preposterus. I do feel sorry for people who continue to believe that. I feel sorry for Moonies, Scientologists and Krishnas too. I feel sorry for people who have joined groups that seem to sap away at a persons genuine sense of self and create instead a cult self that knows a secret so important the whole world will or should someday know this secret.
Take care and my best wishes to you Eileen