fantasy land
Re: Reply to Neville B - from below -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
billy ®

02/06/2005, 09:58:10
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Jonx, I agree with you about the role ' fantasy ' and ' wishful thinking ' has played in our relationship with M and K. Clearly many posters here feel that M himself was the main instigator of this fantasy, and hence the bitterness. The fantasy that M was 'divine', the fantasy that he could 'establish peace in this world', the fantasy that he was the same as ' Krishna, Buddha, Jesus ', the fantasy that this was the 'same Knowledge' that  ' Buddha gave, that Jesus gave, that Mohammed gave ', the fantasy of Maharaji's 'Grace'.

I don't know, are we talking about the same fantasies here? Are these the fantasies that you are referring to? It was these fantasies that 'inspired' and motivated many premies in the 70's to 'dedicate their lives' by moving into the ashram. It was these fantasies that helped to 'establish' the foundation of Maharaji's mission in the West. This was no ordinary mission. " This is a game that's the ultimate game. The entire universe was created so that this game could take place." 

All those 'ashram meetings', some with Maharaji himself. They were so serious, so very serious indeed. They would go on and on for hours and hours, sometimes for days just making sure that we all ' understood ' the 'privilege' of being an ashram premie. The privilege of being able to ' surrender '. Who would have thought that one day in the not too distant future ' the same people ' would tell us that ashrams were merely an Indian custom exported by DLM India and really had nothing to do with Maharaji. Who would have thought that in the not too distant future ' we ' would be accused of ' misunderstanding ' Maharaji's 'divinity', or the meaning of Arti, or that we would be accused of being 'too attached' to the ashramic way of life? Certainly not me.  I must admit, it never ever crossed my mind that one day I would hear the kind of non-sense that we hear today.  

Recently, and more than once, I have criticised exs on this Forum for being too hard on premies like yourself . I have asked them to be 'balanced' and 'fair' when criticising Maharaji. However, what I see now reading your post to Neville is that the exs are right. You are not 'fair' or 'balanced'. Again and again you display a narrow mindedness which somehow manages to absolve Maharaji of 'all' responsibility. You insist and you persist with this jaundiced view of the past and somehow expect to be taken seriously. 








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