Er, sorry to jump in here, Dermot
Re: Er, sorry to jump in here Eileen -- Dermot M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

02/07/2005, 16:42:56
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And, what I found even stranger is this: at today's events, premies don't discuss Rawat's message at all. Rather, they sit in the auditorium like a lifeless lump of clay, ready to be injected with Rawat's "truth serum." It's sick, but nonethless true.

You would think that, if premies really thought of Rawat as some sort of "divine representation," his words would be tantamount to manna, with people eschewing Rawat's every remark. Instead, people just mundanely line up to sit down and receive their Rawat fix.

Then, after the "lecture" nobody discuss Rawat's message. The fervent dialogue you would expect is notoriously absent.  Rather, some premies simply remain in their seats, lifeless and self-contented. But, the majority of premies flock to nearby restaurants and shops, to engage in that shameless, Rawat-inspired commercialism.

Modified by Jonathan at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 16:45:08

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