Prem Rawat's answer ~ when questioned about marriage.
Re: Er, sorry to jump in here Eileen -- Dermot M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

02/07/2005, 23:22:37
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Part of Prem Rawat's talk called ~ "The Very Infinite Number" ~ Phoenix, Arizona, January 21, 1974. As printed in Elan Vital, Autumm 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 27. Prem Rawat's advice...

"Look... You have to understand. You have to take the right decision. Because the opportunity of service you are getting now - you will not get later.

If you leave it now, then it's going to be like you are progessing, you are just completely progressing, and then you drop down. Because then you are looking for something else which is completely external. And then one day it's going to die out and then again you would like to come back and be in the ashram and do service! You understand?

Because, it's much better, you know, for a man to be completely, like, in a whole circumstance where he can get satsang all the time and be able to do sevice all the time".

Modified by Hilltop at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 23:26:07

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