Since when is Maharaji concerned with anyone's health? You may be, but I can assure you he isn't. Read the John MacGregor's post and it's clear Maharaji doesn't give a sh*t about him. Do you know how many premies got very ill at DECA and Maharaji just tossed us away? Many. Some have died from their exposure to the toxic chemicals there. Died, Eileen.
So long as Maharaji continues to demean me by calling me a leader/member of a hate group, I'll be posting on this forum. As long as Maharaji uses my past mental health problems in order to try to hurt me, ridicule me, humiliate me and discredit me because of what I say about DECA, I'll still be here posting. And most importantly, as long as there is someone who wants to extricate themself from that insidious personality cult, I'll be around here to help them out if they ask. He can bet on that and take it to the bank.
Eileen, I'm wondering if your ex-premie friends avoid talking to you about their leaving and your staying. To leave a cult leader is not the same thing as say, leaving a faith such as the Catholic Church or the Church of England. Many ex-premies who have come and gone from this forum have expressed that their premies friends don't allow such discussion. I have a relative who still believes in Maharaji to some extent and we don't discuss it. Only you can find that out though by asking them about it -- if you want.
As far as posting on this forum being "unhealthy" well, that's what Maharaji wants you to believe. It's right in his FAQs on his EV website. Maharaji calls us cyberstalkers and cyber-terrorists. He even links an article that describes a diagnosis (which isn't a bona fide diagnosis) calling us obessive.