Sorry to jump in here
Re: There you go again -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Eileen ®

02/07/2005, 12:58:34
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I just wanted to say that I don't see where you get the idea that premies think they are superior to exes. It seems the other way around to me. From what I've seen here, premies try to engage in a discussion and are immediately attacked, some arguing back & forth goes on, and then the premie leaves. There is only so much bickering that can go on, and then we move on. Premies & ex-premies are never going to agree. I have alot of former premie friends who are no longer involved with maharaji or knowledge - but we've remaied friends. We just don't discuss it. We're raising kids & living our lives and respect each other for whatever direction our lives are taking us. Neither of us feels superior to the other. They don't have to remind me everyday that I am a mindless, immoral cult member. They have simply moved on and never discuss maharaji at all, at least not with me. What I don't understand about the hard core exes is that some of you have left 5, 10, 15 years ago and are still posting here everyday - 10-15 posts a day. I'm sure you all know that discussing maharaji and your anger everyday can't be very healthy. I know that this is none of my business, but you made the comment of being locked in a "spiritual adolescence." Everyday we are alive allows us constant growth, no matter what path we are on - but if you say you've moved on - it really doesn't seem like it to an outsider.

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