Two sad things about Jonx
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/28/2005, 20:50:43
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Two sad things worth noting about Jonx.  First, I find it rather interesting how, down below, he explains that Rawat was wrong when he said that the mind was our "greatest enemy" (it's only our "potential enemy" says Jonx).  Too bad Jonx doesn't have enough guts to actually discuss this.  Nonetheless, he said it and that's all that matters.  That's one confused "student" if you ask me.

The other thing that's so noticeable is how predictably Jonx hides from the facts about Rawat.  We're talking real "eyes wide shut".  Anything the least bit troubling for him, he tries to dismiss as mere rumour and speculation.  But nowhere does he indicate the slightest interest of his own to learn the truth of the matter.  To Jonx, fire's never fire if you only see the smoke and you'll only see the smoke if you don't look too closely.

For example, Jonx "answers" the criticism that Rawat "demand[s] fidelity from his wife while having adulterous affairs and keeping a mistress" as follows:

Do you have proof he had affaires? I mean real proof. Anybody have the snapshots? Any whistle-blowing mistresses stepped forward? No? Wonder why.

What's glaringly absent from his reply is any suggestion that he's ready and willing to know the truth of the matter.  Rather, what's so obvious here is that Jonx would rather play the ostrich than get to the bottom of this or any other issue that might shake his faith.  

However, the truth might be even worse.  It's quite possible that Jonx really does know about Monica etc. in which case he's simply resorting to the worst kind of sophistry, demanding proof of a fact he himself believes to be true.

Premies like Jonx are sad to observe.  They offer so little to respect what with all the surly dissembling and outright lies and whatnot.  Is there room for such a thing as an honourable premie anymore?  Forget honourable, how about just plain honest?  Jonx doesn't cut it.  Yadot1 sure doesn't either.  Likewise Premie Response.  All of these guys are rather ugly, quite frankly, at least judging by how they interact here.  Come on, surely there's at least one admirable premie out there ....


Modified by Jim at Fri, Jan 28, 2005, 20:51:54

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