I kind of didn't understand your comment about my name. I'm curious, so would you explain?
And about the other issue:
While I may believe they are mistaken you have to take their own beliefs into account when judging their actions.
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. I think that some believe Maharaji is really a saint because they don't know anything about it (I was one of them until...2002?) These are the ones swimming in white waters, relatively in Heaven if not for the "evil mind". Then come the ones who know everything but believe M is God, and for some reason have convinced themselves that God is kind of evil since he is allowed to do whatever wrong and distorted thing that comes to his mind. And since they are very afraid of this God/Evil monster they don't dare to even think of leaving him. These are the ones swimming...well... at least trying, to swim in muddy or gray waters, fighting with their mind, fighting with themselves, fighting... At this state one still has hope. Then at the end, last but not least, come the ones wading in the blackest waters. Maharaji is among them and they just love being there.They are the ones that know everything and laugh at everyone.