I recently had a similar thought.All of the regular non-premie posters here have a kind of online signature. Through their style of writing, their opinions and the ideas they express, they quickly take on a distinct personality that becomes familiar to me and I can recognise.
Yet the premie posters seem so interchangeable, generic even. I can't tell them apart and quickly forget who said what. I don't think they are all the same people, because there are subtle differences, but these differences are not enough for me to remember them. The one exception I can think of in recent times was GOK, who really did have his own way of expressing himself, even if alot of his ideas were standard premie apologia.
Oh my! Maybe all the premies have become Stepford wives! Or been snatched by plant creatures from another planet?
Spooooookkkkkkky!!!! Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!
(fade to black)
Hello Babaluja, how are you today. I have to tell you something very important. I've realized the falsehoods of my ways. Maharaji isn't at all the bad things that we've been saying. He loves me and he loves us all.
(scary music fades in) dum dum dum dum dum dum (loud crashing cymbals)
(camera pans to overbleached sky with piercing rays of sun. credits roll)