I'll tell you Billy, I am sure glad that Jim Heller is one tough cookie. 
Billy, I'm not really sure what it is you want out of this forum but you're obviously frustrated by something. That's not a very good feeling, so maybe we can work this out.
There are a bunch of of who post here who have been posting for a long time and we know each other pretty well. One reason that we know each other so well is not just the longevity of our time posting, but also because all of us at one point or another have talked about our own lives while premies, in great depth, with each other. You can say Jim is militant, but I'll tell you there have been days when I felt so bad while I was exiting out of Rawat's cult and he was one person who reached out to me, called me up and in his lovely, soft voice gave me kind support.
Maybe it would be helpful to you and to those of us who seem to put you off, if you allowed us to get to know you better. This is sort of like a pub in a way. So, join in, the drinks are on the house and if you abstain, there's always fruit juice or ginger ale.