Re: Two sad things about Jonx
Re: Two sad things about Jonx -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Paddy ®

01/28/2005, 20:59:45
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Alert Moderators

Well I don't think there's any room for an honest or honourable premie here on XPF but you cannot judge premies by those who post here. Most premies that I know (and there's nothing special about them so I assume they're similar to all the others in the West) are nice, decent people. Obviously they're not all that sophisticated when it comes to their religious beliefs and faith but they are nothing like the JONX crew.

Those people who read or post on this forum and who don't know any premies anymore and who judge the remaining premies by these deceitful, arrogant s__theads (and there may not be as many of them as there are aliases) are making a big mistake.

Modified by Paddy at Fri, Jan 28, 2005, 21:03:41

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