Re: Lies, means and ends
Re: Re: Lies, means and ends -- Paddy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/01/2005, 14:20:58
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But Prem Rawat is definitely not the "Biggest Sinner of the Universe". He's just a two bit sinner, a minor conman who was brought up to be LOTU and doesn't have the will or the understanding to quit the game.

That's a pretty myopic viewpoint, IMO.  Rawat certainly is the greatest conman, "sinner," and liar within the world of premies, though.  He's a two-bit cult leader, but he's still a cult leader, and what he does certainly does hurt people.  Just because a few get by unscathed doesn't justify the world of pain Prem Rawat has inflicted on some.

Why are you making excuses for Prem Rawat?  Do you have something invested?

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