Re: No insult intended!
Re: Re: No insult intended! -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Paddy ®

01/30/2005, 19:58:34
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"They cope. And part of that coping might involve a certain amount of defensiveness on their friend's or lover's part. I'm not saying that this is your situation but maybe it is, eh? And if so, maybe you'd feel differently if you were simply out, gone, free and clear."

No Jim, the only defensiveness I feel on this topic is my fear that espousing these views will open me up to unwarranted criticism on this forum. Thanks to Lexy, a recent ex for backing up some of my views. I just want it made clear that the scummies we see posting their poison here are not indicative of the majority of premies.

If you'd like to go back to your post that inspired my retort you'll see you said "Is there room for such a thing as an honourable premie anymore? Forget honourable, how about just plain honest? Come on, surely there's at least one admirable premie out there ...."

I was answering these unreasonable statements and the possible incorrect ideas they could endenger amongst impressionable ex-premies who no longer know any present premies.

I certainly have been a little rocked by Jon Ellis' bizarre post though remember most of these elkers have the strange idea that everybody else in the hall feels and believes and experiences exactly the same as they claim to do. It will be interesting to see if the so-called ex-premies and their effect are ever mentioned again.

Notice though that his claim about what premies know: "Those who remain are not living in ignorance. They know all about the arguments, they understand the accusations, they know full well the "story" of how not everything in the past was perfect." This fits right into the EV revisionist line and does not necessarily refer to any accusations about Rawat's lifestyle and can be seen as another attempt to mislead premies about what exactly ex-premies are complaining about.

Your last paragraph begins "Here, I don't agree with you in the slightest." I was not stating my views which actually are much closer to yours than those I believe many premies share. The stament only makes sense if they were my views I was posting and by the rest of what you wrote you appear to mean "I don't agree with the the views you believe are shared by many premies."

Hell, I even think Michael Moore is scum but those ideas belong to another forum far, far away.

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