Re: Eyes wide shut
Re: Eyes wide shut -- billy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

01/30/2005, 05:43:28
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            Jim can of course answer for himself - I just want to draw this away from the personal if I may.

Yes, we are all imperfect and exs more than anyone 'should' understand the 'bind' that premies are in - and that would be fine if we were dealing with individuals who were simly explaining their personal circumstance and belief. But that is not what is going on.

Posters like JonX are plainly taking 'a line' from Rawat's organisations - organisations which consistently use their resources to defame Jim and others. If there are exs who have the time and inclination to try gentle encouragement with premie posters then no one is stopping them trying, however we are dealing with a cult, cult conditioning and manipualtion, and cult thinking. Very often the only practical option is to challenge the deception and IMO no one should be criticised here for doing that. 

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