Shining in the Shrine
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/24/2005, 01:56:46
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Just wanted to let you all know that the event in LA was super.  I experienced a lot of peace and love being with my teacher this weekend.  You know, peace is a wonderful feeling.  I sure appreciate his kindness and determination to present his message in such a clear and simple way.  Most of you experienced something or you wouldn't have stayed around for so many years.  All of your complaints and satire and name-calling pale in comparison to a person who feels peaceful.  IMHU, a person who is experiencing peace doesn't resort to gripes and insults.  He or she just feels good.  And I sure feel good when I listen to him.  He does know the peace that resides within.  You all may be able to confuse a few folks with your babble but the thirsty will find the water.  If Jim Heller or Mike Finch or Dettmers or any of you exes could speak like him, I'd spend 3 days listening to you too.  I suspect that I would feel more peace listening to M for one moment than if I listened to all of your combined "wisdom" for a thousand years.  This used to be called Divine Light Mission.  Remember?  And that inner Light, that Word, that Peace, that Divine Knowledge is real.  I felt it this weekend.  I am feeling it now.  I hope to feel it tomorrow too.  GOT PEACE?  Feel it within you.  It's there.  REMEMBER, PREMIES? 

Have a peaceful day.

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