Can you tell me....
Re: Shining in the Shrine -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
premie_spouse ®

01/24/2005, 12:23:46
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Throughout this thread, you've spoken of the wonderful things "maharaji", (or whatever it is he calls himself these days), said in LA. Frankly, I've given up on trying to keep track of his current handle. Can you tell me anything, other than his constant dribble, er, drivel, about peace, that he said? Something specific and exact that he said? Nothing nebulous and dreamy, please.

And, by the way, that peace, according "maharaji's" own statements, is in fact inside you. Why is it many premies only seem to "find" it when they go see him? Probably because their minds are so confused after years of rawat's verbal gymnastics, they have no idea what is true and what isn't. As rawat no doubt planned, the premies are totally dependent on him for their feelings. And that is, in my opinion, criminal. To create that level of emotional dependence, in another human being, is destruction of the individual.

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