The problem with complaining about "unsubstantiated rumours"
Re: Reply to Cynthia -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/24/2005, 08:33:51
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I'm disdainful of those who intentionally try to besmudge, hurt and hinder him on the basis or unsubstantiated rumors, posting hurtful and insulting comments, etc. 

The problem with what you're saying, Joy, is that it suggests an acknowledgement on your part that, if and when the so-called "rumours" are substantiated, you'd be willing to reassess them.  But that's not true, is it?  Your problem with the "rumours" is that you just want them to go away.  You want to ignore or hide from them, pretend you never heard them.  The last thing you want is to actually investigate them, let alone find they're true if they so happen to be. 

Indeed, if you were sincere about this, we could embark on a whole process of sorting through the various "rumours" that plague your faith and discuss the evidence for or against them.  That is we could see just how much or little substantiation they have.  I suspect that if we did that you'd be forced to agree that many of these "rumours" were indeed quite well substantiated.  But you're not really up to that inquiry, are you?   

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