Listen, you can believe or say anything you want but I must point out that his Knowledge DOES give peace for a lot of people on this planet. I hear you all say that M's Knowledge is just brainwashing or some second hand meditation techniques, etc. If you believe that, then why do 250,000 people come to hear him speak in India. With NO advertising. Are 250,000 people being brainwashed by a corrupt and greedy guru in India? I don't think so. You name me another teacher that gets that kind of devotion from his students! There's a guru on every street corner in India. Why don't 250,000 people come to their events? And M has had close aides and family members stay the course over the years. Why has Charanand never left? Is he greedy? How about his wife or David Smith or countless others who've stuck around? Are they brainwashed as well? You guys crack me up! You all have this wonderful Knowledge and yet you spend all this time attacking the "cult". If you spent half that time getting to know the essence within you with the 4 techniques, you'd be a realized soul by now! To me, you guys are pathetic, for the most part. Go look in the mirror. Who are you? What's behind your eyes looking out at this world? Who's breathing your body? Who's your Creaator? What's the purpose of Life? Answer some of these questions and you'll be a lot closer to experiencing true peace than you are now, IMHO>