It hasn't worn off in 20 plus years, DUDE, so why would it next week?
Re: Griping in the Whine. -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/24/2005, 04:28:13
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Believe me, I am no automaton.  I want to feel peace within me.  That's the bottom line.  Like GMJ said this weekend, I want to experience peace in my life and I am determined to do so.  As far as my "insults"--sorry but that's my take on things.  If I insulted you, tell me what I said that was untrue, because I'm searching for the Truth and I can point out numerous examples of insults, satire & name-calling on this site.  By the way, why do you all throw his last name around like it's some kind of putdown?  It's a beautiful last name.  Does it make you feel better to call him Rawat?  That doesn't make sense to me.  Or is it that you just can't refer to him as Maharaji anymore.  At any rate, you guys do babble a lot here, and I was just speaking the Truth when I said that I suspected that one moment with him was more peaceful than if I listened to all of you talk of peace for a thousand years.  That's my opinion.  Of course, I may be mistaken.  Perhaps you'd care to speak about peace.  Enlighten me.  If you can.

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