Hi again,
I accept that you are not here to be disruptive and apologise for any misunderstanding.I don't have time to reply to all your post but I will later.
One important thing though...
"If you and all your ex-premie compadres want to disrespect the one who revealed Knowledge to you, post his address and details about his private life on the internet ...." etc
...please understand that I came to this forum just a few months ago, like yourself today, as a totally independent seeker of truth . Not that truth, but the truth about my own involvement in the premie world and of the " knowledge" which I received when I was just nineteen years old in 1973. I have no " compadres" ( although I have grown to like and respect many on this forum, as far as one can through internet communication ).My primary aim is not to be disrespectful nor am I interested in posting anyone's name or address on the web. I have, by coincidence come across some old friends here and have made some new ones. However it is important to understand that contrary to the " Hate Group " spin on the "EV site FAQS" we are not a group, just separate individuals using this forum to try to unravel some of the mysteries of our pasts in relation to Prem Rawat and his " gift". There is much open and honest discussion here and many differing ideas and opinions. I have learnt an enormous amount and continue to do so.
I'm afraid I have to go now . Will continue later. Best regards, Lexy.