Re: Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
Re: Thanks for your thoughtful reply. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pat W ®

01/24/2005, 07:30:48
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I feel that we are both probably predisposed by our Christian up-bringings to believe an awful lot about the idea of a Master or Lord. For me, my experiences of and around Maharaji have truly drawn the idea of the very existence of a benign Lord into question. At least in the short term. At 16 I prayed earnestly to find such a being- as I'm sure is the longing of billions of young and sincere people of all religions. We are all seekers in our hearts. It's easy to initially experience someone like M as the answer to our prayers.

For 15 or so years I struggled to maintain the belief that I, as a mere mortal, was not in a position to judge my Master's work. This was against a growing and genuine concern that he might be actually perpetuating a huge con based on the fact that people believe that the experience they are having comes from him. Some would say 'such a beautiful feeling cannot derive from anyone who is not good (or from God). Talking of the bible...The bible warns against 'False Prophets' who trade on the sincerity of man and mislead the seeker. The fruit of Maharaji's teaching may just be a good feeling which he monopolises and makes people associate with him- and uses to make people more dependant on him. Worst case scenario?

I rest assured that my motives in investigating, criticising and challenging my beliefs about him are pure. Also I believe that the truth is 'bigger' than both me and Maharaji. As far as I'm concerned the lack of judgement he has experienced in his life has not served him very well. He's grown up thinking he's the Master by virtue of what everyone told him, his father in the first place. Frankly if I found he had anything like the degree of humanity and love that Jesus displayed I too would be as impressed as you. I just don't see that. I see someone who has maybe some sincere motives but who has been corrupted by his own power and who is afraid of the truth and the truth about him being known. I don't think the same could be said about Jesus at all.

Even if he is God that would not deter me in the slightest from saying what I have learned. If God is so cruel and heartless as to dismiss people who stand up to his bullying then he's not a big enough God for me. I'll reserve my respect for an even higher authority. If in the meantime he convinces the entire world he's got a gift they need to go to him for fine. Just because no one else is doing what he's doing doesn't automatically mean he's right to do what he does in the WAY he does it, in my opinion.

But how does all this talk of Maharaji as some kind of Lord tally with the new perception that he is merely a faulty human? Is he trustworthy or not in matters as important as 'surrendering your whole life' like he urged us to do..and in my case, I did? Anyone who was witness to the ranting, the wrecking of lives, the hypocrisy and so on, has a right to question how trustworthy he is and indeed, how Divine their very experiences were. 'Ye shall know them by their fruit' doesn't necessarily mean that the 'fruit' referred to is only your experience 'doing meditation'. It also should encompass the effect of that persons life on everybody they've influenced.

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