You've got that right, PS...
Re: Can you tell me.... -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/24/2005, 14:23:32
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To create that level of emotional dependence, in another human being, is destruction of the individual.

That what cult leaders do and exactly what Prem Rawat does.  See Joe's post above.  Th Indian premie "Gandhi" speaks for the "universal" we when describing the L.A. event.  It isn't anything new, but it is striking.

"Premie Gandhi" is projecting his personal feelings of "fill in blank" onto each and every last person in the hall which, btw, is a VERY UNCONSCIOUS thing to do, because if the guy had the tiniest bit of self-awareness (which is supposed to be what Prem Rawat teaches for goodness sake!) he would know that he can't possibly speak for anyone but himself. 

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