Hey, I want peace and so do you, right?
Re: Wow, that's a mouthful... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/25/2005, 06:50:50
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If your experience is serving you well, then why these questions?  I love Maharaji and he loves me.  I don't analyze that.  If his Knowledge no longer worked, I'd move along.  But not because he doesn't know my name!  My only point in posting here was to say that I experience peace through my experience of Knowledge and listening to my teacher and to point out that peace resides within.  If you are happy and peaceful, then all the more power to you.  If not, then my point is that peace feels good, so if one wants that in their life, they should search for it.  Whether through M or someone else or your own efforts, you should experience peace.  Do you?

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