Re: kind and loving person who cares about me???
Re: kind and loving person who cares about me??? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/24/2005, 23:58:15
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Look, maam, what do you know about my relationship or lack or one with Mr. Rawat?  Your husband has Knowledge.  Right?  Should I make assumptions about him like you've made about me?  You don't know.  Do you?  So before you go spouting off about someone you don't know about, I suggest you get some facts first.  I experience true peace as a result of my practise of Knowledge.  If you want peace, I suggest you search for it rather than complain about your husband's and others involvement with meditation and the teacher.  And peace is possible.  But not if you aren't seeking it!

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