" If you believe that, then why do 250,000 people come to hear him speak in India. With NO advertising. Are 250,000 people being brainwashed by a corrupt and greedy guru in India? I don't think so. "
I don't think you've been to India, Joy Wisdom. I have .I saw Maharaji ( as he was called then ) there too. There were posters about the program even in the smallest cafes in the smallest towns. In fact more than one poster in one cafe I used. It was 13 years ago yet I remember that the poster had a photo of M. but he was referred to on it as "Balyogeshwar " . In the cafe I asked questions and the thing that most impressed the Indian clientelle of that cafe, who didn't seem to be premies, was that he had an airplane and Western followers. The publicity machine is in full swing in India or so it appeared. Why ever did you think there was no advertising? Gurus are two- a- penny in India.Festivals with huge crowds , for all kinds of Gurus,Saints ,political causes are quite usual I believe. The population is around 1,065,000,000 ( that's the correct amount of zeros)so that puts things into proportion.I imagine that thousands and thousands go to other festivals too and they often seem to travel with their whole family. It seems to be almost a way of life there.
Modified by Lexy at Tue, Jan 25, 2005, 11:53:34