Peace Education and the Children of God-
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Posted by:
Susan ®

08/30/2023, 12:54:26
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Hi my friends-

Last night, I posted a reel on Facebook by Daniella Mestvanek Young the author of  Uncultured

I highly recommend this book. When I woke up this morning I was nagged by something she said. That the remaining COG followers explain away the past sins of the COG, which, to my knowledge, had vastly more widespread incidents of child sexual abuse than did Divine Light Mission. It was part of the dogma of the Children of God. That the COG apologists cite their current work in "Peace Education"...

Daniella posted a video where a COG cult apologist comments "but she is teaching Peace now" 

She expresses her outrage at the revisionism and whitewashing. 

I woke up and thought, did I hear that right? 

Yes. I did. Look at this.

Now, look at a video our cult is using....

Take a look at this

"A spokeswoman told the BBC in 2019 that “although The Family International has apologized on a number of occasions to former members for any hurt, real or perceived, that they may have suffered during their time in our membership, we do not give credence to tales of institutionalized abuse.”

I need to say, while there may indeed may be more incidents of abuse in our cult than were formerly known, I have no reason to believe that child abuse was on the massive scale that is reported by children raised in the Children of God. I am not trying to imply that.

I am saying, that both cults have rebranded themselves and are using slick inspiring videos promoting the work they do. They both seem to be capitalizing on somehow having something to teach the world about "Peace".  I am saying, it is outrageous, when you know how they dealt with what happened to children, and adults, to watch the unmitigated gall of the revisionism. It doesn't have to be AS BAD to be bad. 

I don't know of any reports of a premie being branded as NXVIM DOS followers were either. But plenty of adults were also hurt in our cult.  

We were just discussing the CAC attack and how it's out of the Scientology playbook. Now here, Peace Education and front group charities are part of the revisionism of the Children of God.

Above link is to the ex COG website and a very prembio like page about the charities and non profits the cult has re branded to in 2023.

I am imagining a TPRF lurker here. You are probably thinking, how can you compare us to the Children of God? Whatever wrongs happened in Divine Light Mission it wasn't as bad as that. I think that probably is true. There is a depravity scale, and COG hits the top. Which makes their revisionism even more outrageous.

But pwk lurker...if you are taking some cold comfort that DLM/EV/WOPG wasn't isn't as bad as these organizations....

Hear Yourself. 

Never mind, have they actually won the war? Judges promoting the Peace education program?

edit- I can see not one of these links is clickable if someone knows how to edit links to work I would appreciate that.


Modified by Susan at Wed, Aug 30, 2023, 13:34:38

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