Probably not necessary
Re: too late to edit. -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

09/03/2023, 06:53:46
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Hi Susan,

For the sake of accuracy, which is clearly of no concern to the cult, I understand why you would want to make that edit. It's how conscientious people think.
Having said that, I very much appreciated the points you made. They're precisely what premies are deluded into believing because it's an easy way of escaping from the facts: So what? Move on. Get over it. What difference does it make? Why would you try to ruin something so valuable just because you can't let go of something that happened so long ago? Then they try to convince others to believe it as well.

Frankly, your post hit me hard enough to make me slump for a moment over the futility of fighting a losing proposition against ever growing odds.

Researched or not, either way works in the context of your post. Either the principal discovered and subsequently inquired about Prem's history and then the polished, smooth talking, well-trained and highly motivated premie pitch team overwhelmed him with rationales and why the past is irrelevant, or he never did the research, perhaps because after the pitch, references and his impressions, he felt there was nothing amiss and no reason to be suspicious. Maybe he felt confident that he did hs due diligence by checking references, which I'm sure were all glowing because the people who provided them were also unaware of or persuaded to dismiss Prem's history.

PEP has infiltrated so many organizations/institutions that he's not the only one who may have failed to search the internet or if they did, dissmissed negative results, possibly for the same reasons. There's likely a snowball effect of comfort levels and assurances based on the number and nature of organizations that previously implemented PEP.

After all, around ever lit candle, there's always a few unlit matches. Besides, all of that history was the result of labels mistakenly applied to poor, innocent, virtuous Prem. It was never about him. Even Sara accepted that.

Lastly, as for the painful dismay of someone knowing and not caring, I doubt the principal ever contemplated it from the perspective of posters here and other ex-premies. If he did and truly understood the harm and deception, that would be deplorable. And if he found out too late, he may have gone into CYA mode out of embarrassment and to protect his livelihood and reputation, which is almost as bad, especially if he failed to reach out to others.

Again, thank you for your post!

Modified by lakeshore at Sun, Sep 03, 2023, 07:39:15

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