Oh well ?
Re: slump me too -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
tommo ®

09/05/2023, 17:11:23
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This was an interesting sub thread that certainly made me think - thanks everyone.

Yes it is always a bit depressing to see Rawat's phony stuff apparently gaining legitimacy and any sort of a foothold in the 'real' world.

I wonder what the scale and impact of any of it is though (where admittedly anything above zero is regrettable)? Obviously searching for Rawat stuff soon specifically finds TPRF's 'Peace education programmes'.  However search the other way around to put it into context -- School  education programmes -- conflict resolution -- peace education  etc. brings up a world of stuff from many points of view and organisations.  I expect that TPRF gets pretty much submerged in all of that ? 

cf https://medium.com/skilluped/100-free-education-for-peace-and-justice-resources-online-14a3870d2369

Whatever peace 'education' might be it has to be something that encourages folk to learn and to think for themselves about complex issues rather than a process that just  sheep dips captive audiences  through Rawat's various  mesmerising circularities and meanderings.  Rawatism is of course the polar opposite of 'education'.  It is literally a process of mis-education  to ingrain the notions that personal 'inner' peace is some sort of a 'cure all'  that is also a morally suitable/ desirable objective for people to aim at in life. Furthermore  that such a mythical state is not only attainable -- but also simply so given the help of a 'teacher'.  

All of the above are falsehoods-- and after 50 odd years of Education provided by Rawat to millions of pupils- as of today-  precisely zero students have successfully graduated from his education process -- not a single one that can coherently talk about what they have learned - not a single one that has attained inner peace -- and of course neither Rawat himself.

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