The Agony and the Parody
Posted by:
emile ®

09/15/2004, 22:40:38
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When the transcripts of the Rawat training seessions were posted I immediately thought how important these are. An up close look at the guru with some of his public defenses down and not just spouting his content free public spiels.

But I found the transcripts really hard going so I determined to check them out thoroughly and decided to create a web site refuting his errors and rebutting his false arguments using what I though and what I had seen posted here on ex-P Org. It was even harder going. Rawat is mediocre and mean spirited, incompetent and arrogant and working through his diatribes is very difficult cause it's so nasty and boring and I give up. I tried adding graphics and art to make it interesting but in the end I think I was just using insult because there was nothing with actual intellectual content to rebut.
Maybe somebody can get something positive from it and there are some nice graphics

On the other hand Prem is a breeze to parody cause he's just so ridiculous. So for a site with groovy colours and hilarious photos I suggest

Modified by emile at Wed, Sep 15, 2004, 22:42:26

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