Is that clever enough for you? Rawat is a parody of himself. It doesn't take much to laugh at him anymore, especially once a person has rid themself of his bullshit, brain-numbing, mind-fuck.
Read the "satsang" from Holi 1979 that Hilltop posted in this thread and then come back and tell me you're not in a cult worshipping a total loser.
Tell me he never said he was the Lord. You tell me Seth, with the backwards "e" that Maharaji never spoke about himself in the third person almost all of the time. "Guru Maharaji is Holy Name" - that a direct quote! Gee, I bet that's on tape, too!
Actually, Rawat really doesn't need parodies because he's the fool of the universe. The only thing Maharaji is good at is conning people and taking their money. If some folks who gave so much of themselves to him for so long want to have a laugh on him, it's our right and none of your beeswax. He's been laughing at premies all the way to the bank for years.
So run along now and kiss Maharaji's ass, Seth. That's what he taught premies to do so well for so long. Looks like you haven't figured out that your lips aren't afixed to his feet after all.