Why Low?
Re: Re: Sure, why not? Maharaji is a parody of himself!.. -- s3th Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Enquirer ®

09/17/2004, 02:06:00
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One of those sites is nearly 99% a collection of photos of Prem Rawat with some quotes from EV and some lame attempts at humour and the other site seems to be 95% the transcripts of Prem Rawat's training sessions, some tranchant criticism, some more lame attempts at humour and some famous art. Surely that should make them high sites, not low?

In sooth S3th, the 2 sites are 97.5% pure Prem Rawat, what's your problem?

Soothe yourself S3th, all that the people who post on this site have in common is decades of practising Knowledge. So if they are in a cult of stupidity and hate, who should you blame?

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