You really got me laughing Emile. Parody and satire about Prem Rawat's megalomania is probably the most potent tool to cut it down to size. Those Holi pictures sure bring back memories, and the half-naked-waddle-dancing pictures and videos speak for themselves.
When I see them, I feel a little embarrassed that I gave myself over to be manipulated by all that, but today when I watched Prem Rawat lumber around on stage to devotional music, and seeing all the premies swoon (I noticed Micheal Dettmers in one of the picutres), it also make me feel sad.
The followers of Rawat were a group of very idealist, often very talented, and mostly sincere people who wanted to dedicate themselves to something good, beautiful and ultimate. But it all got wasted, and that's just really sad. There was so much potential there, and all of it went to really nothing, except the continuation of Rawat's extravagant lifestyle and a truncated religion that requires one to have faith and never question, and adopt a belief system that good things that would be happening anyway are due to Rawat, and everything bad is blamed on yourself. Not only is Rawat's belief system and dedication to it a waste, it's also damaging to your humanity, and that's probably the saddest part of all.